Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 79 | Page 20

Looking at professional services there are many opportunities to support partners with implementing and configuring new technology , as well as providing break fix , L1 and L2 support and services .
Infinigate has continued to build its finance-as-a-service and marketing-as-aservice offerings to enable resellers to grow their businesses by taking advantage of its experience , expertise , and financial strength .
Another key part of its organic growth is through Infinigate Cloud , where Infinigate delivers value-added cybersecurity , secure cloud solutions . Infinigate helps vendors to develop their software-as-a-service offerings , enabling reseller partners to become MSPs and MSSPs .
Vendor partners expect to gain access to Infinigate ’ s partner network , and for Infinigate to leverage market knowledge to deliver tailored support to partners .
The trajectory now includes Managed Security Services Distribution , MSSD supported by the professional services team .
Most recently , Infinigate has started to partner and collaborate with global system influencers and integrators to tap into the Global2000 , large enterprise customer pool . Infinigate is also focused on expanding its telecom system integrator partner contingent . By expanding these relationships , Infinigate can support their transformation into MSPs and CSPs to generate new revenue streams .
Driving the growth
“ My role is entirely centred on organic growth , so when it comes to expectations , a key area I need to focus on is ensuring that we make the right decisions regarding vendor expansion , new vendor selection , new services and new disruptive technologies . I am also responsible for ensuring that Infinigate capitalises on emerging and disruptive technologies to maximise our revenues ,” says Denis Ferrand-Ajchenbaum , Chief Growth Officer at Infinigate .
If you look at vendors , a one-size-fits-all approach is not realistic , as Infinigate needs to adapt to specific regional needs . What is right in Germany might not be right in Iberia or Australia . It is about understanding which vendors are going to deliver the best value proposition , be the most distribution friendly , and deliver the best growth in the market for Infinigate and its channel partners in each region .
Ferrand-Ajchenbaum is also responsible for ensuring that Infinigate capitalises on emerging and disruptive technologies to maximise its revenues . With so much focus and attention on Generative AI at the moment it is important that Infinigate helps channel partners use this interest to educate their customer on the role of AI in security and as a result , drive revenue growth .
Ferrand-Ajchenbaum points out , there are four key factors when it comes to Infinigate ’ s acquisition strategy :
• Location : Infinigate assesses whether the business is in a country that aligns with its strategic goals , either by expanding its presence or entering a new market .
• Size : Infinigate determine if the business has the resources and capacity to enable it to hit the ground running .
• Fit : Infinigate evaluates how the vendors and business ’ s portfolio and go-to-market model aligns with Infinigate , ensuring it is a natural fit .
• Profitability : Infinigate considers the profitability of the business . If it is not currently profitable , Infinigate will assess how it can leverage its expertise to turn it around .
While Infinigate has not faced significant challenges yet due to its focus on the commercial midmarket , Infinigate remain mindful of the competitive pressures from hyperscaler marketplaces , which challenge some large deals , and certainly the broader channel focussed on enterprise and
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