Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 75 | Page 25

Due to greater awareness of issues such as climate change , the authorities and customers are demanding that companies take responsibility for their environmental impact , while simultaneously companies themselves are feeling pressure from regulations aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions .
This has led to a shift towards more environmentally friendly practices , such as reducing energy consumption and implementing recycling programmes . Additionally , Gulf companies are increasingly investing in renewable energy sources to mitigate their carbon footprint .
All of this is becoming a significant factor in those companies ’ decision-making and is leading them to consider sustainability in their product design and manufacturing processes , and even in their choice of suppliers .
There is a growing trend toward green IT which involves companies aiming to minimise the environmental impact of their operations through the adoption of practices such as virtualisation , cloud computing , and efficient power management .
And in their efforts to reduce carbon footprint , many IT companies are implementing sustainability initiatives ranging from the use of renewable energy sources , to improving energy efficiency and reducing waste .
An overarching issue that must be considered is the shift away from a reliance on fossil fuels toward renewable energy which changes how , where and when energy is generated , stored , and managed .
Channel partners should be aware , then , that most of the technologies needed to make this energy transition already exist and can be made available , including , Uninterruptible Power Supply , UPS systems that can support the grid with frequency stabilisation as it switches increasingly to renewable inputs .
Along with climate change challenges , digitalisation is expected to significantly
To unlock the value of technologies like generative AI , organisations must build their channels on systems that allow data to flow in real time .
impact the channel in the months ahead , driving changes in business models , customer experiences , and skill requirements .
Just as businesses are changing the way they operate so , too , are consumers , and often for the same reasons . Again , channel professionals must remain on top of such shifts .
Take electric vehicles , EVs , for example . Concerns around sustainability saw a 35 % YoY increase in the sale of EVs across the globe in 2023 , with Dubai EV numbers hitting nearly 26,000 amid a green mobility drive . In the UAE , plans are underway to increase the share of electric cars on the road to 50 % of total vehicles by 2050 . It is predicted that almost a third of all cars sold in the region will be electric by 2030 .
An adequate and reliable nationwide charging infrastructure will be needed to meet the demands this switch from internal combustion to electric vehicles . And , as with all electrical and electronic equipment , this infrastructure will require regular maintenance to guarantee continual charger uptime and avoid unnecessary interruptions to service .
By offering preventative maintenance , telephone support , and the option of emergency repairs when needed , channel partners can help keep EVs on the road and running satisfactorily .
Whether they are led by sustainability , digitalisation , or new and emerging market trends , channel partners will need to stay abreast of these advances , transforming their businesses to accommodate innovative new solutions and even creating new specialised departments to enable their customers to capitalise on the opportunities that lie ahead . •