Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 77 | Page 56


Q & A


In today ’ s digital era , enterprise end customers might find it difficult to channel through the chaos caused by existing and emerging technologies . That is where channel partners come into the picture . Channel partners play a vital role as the single point of contact enabling enterprises ’ end customers adopt the latest technologies such as public , multi-cloud , and hybrid cloud platforms , with ease and without facing the brunt of service providers .

As channel partners are at the core of the cloud infrastructure , they have sound knowledge and expertise on cloud offerings available in any given region .


This helps them recommend tailored cloud solutions to enterprise end customers that do not just meet their objectives and business demands but offer unparalleled customisation and cost efficiency .
Channel partners run assessments and consultations supporting everything from initial planning and adoption to the overall cloud enablement lifecycle ensuring minimal disruption and optimal performance .
The digital transformation journey may seem straightforward on paper however , it is riddled with complex landscapes , especially concerning cloud security . With the expertise at their disposal , channel partners can assist enterprise end customers in integrating sophisticated cybersecurity defence measures .
Channel partners run assessments supporting everything from initial planning and adoption to the overall cloud enablement lifecycle .
Oftentimes , the cost of a project is one of the major reasons why enterprise end customers might backtrack from going on the cloud or subscribing to it . With strategic relationships with cloud providers and other parties at their disposal , channel partners can leverage tailor-made solutions at costeffective prices which essentially benefits the end users as they will see reduced expenses leaving their bank accounts in a better position while using cloud solutions in any capacity .
Additionally , embracing cloud solutions benefits enterprise end customers in realising higher ROI , a major value proposition that cannot be neglected . Having cloud solutions ensures improved performance on applications , smoother data access , and enhanced user experience contributing to higher customer satisfaction .
Channel partners help fortify enterprise end customers ’ digital defences using methodologies such as threat detection , continuous monitoring , compliance management , and others , to steer away from the catastrophic implications cyber threats can bring upon especially on companies that let their cyber guard down even for a short while .
Moving forward , channel partners have specialists across different domains especially when it comes to adopting emerging technologies . It includes but is not limited to IoT , AI , and ML , among others , which empower enterprises to harness digital transformation ensuring enhanced customer experiences , higher business growth , and an edge over competitors in today ’ s digital age .
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