Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 75 | Page 53

Q & A


The success of Net Zero strategies such as UAE 2050 and Saudi Arabia 2060 hinges on the effective utilisation of technology , which is creating a favourable environment for Kissflow and its channel partners to grow and innovate within this space .

One of the most effective and rapid ways our partners can aid enterprises ’ transition towards more sustainable operations is by empowering them to embrace the cloud . The scalability , both up and down of cloud environments and solutions means IT operations only consume the compute power they need .
From their unique position of combining multiple technologies into turnkey solutions , partners are at a distinct advantage of understanding enterprise infrastructures . They can easily and effectively deploy solutions such as Kissflow ’ s out-of-the-box app for managing

Several Middle East countries have committed to net-zero emissions targets . As new data centres are being built companies looking to reduce their use of water and carbon emissions , this presents a problem . Balancing growth and sustainability will undoubtedly be challenging , but as the industry steers toward a more sustainable future , data centres will need to adopt innovative strategies to minimise their overall environmental footprint .

This imperative aligns with a broader industry-wide commitment to a more holistic approach to system performance which recognises the interplay between technological advancements and environmental impact . Energy efficiency will play a significant role . Achieving more , with the same amount of energy or less , will be a recurrent theme throughout the year ahead that will continue into the near future .
Significantly , this heightened awareness is propelling the sector towards adopting eco-friendly practices . Expect to see diesel generator replacements , battery energy storage systems , on-site generation , advanced cooling , and other technologies taking centre stage . Seeking out renewable energy sources to replace or bolster existing supplies and exploring the options to
sustainability goals , which is customisable for each customer ’ s needs .
Of course , there are obstacles to be navigated . Regulatory frameworks surrounding green technologies and zero emissions in the region are complex and ever evolving .
For example , in Saudi Arabia , regulations such as the ZATCA ’ s e-invoicing mandate , means partners need to ensure that the platform is compliant with local laws and regulations , which can be complex and subject to change , although the agility of introduce or increase on-site power generation from assets such as solar panels and wind-turbines , will be part of this .
So , too , will be a renewed emphasis on how data centres can work in tandem with the grid . We are all likely to continue to hear more about the grid interactive data centre in 2024 and data centre operators will doubtless want to find out more about this option which brings with it the benefit of not only helping to decarbonise the grid but also contributes to their own sustainability goals .
Unsurprisingly , the data centre industry has attracted the attention of the regulatory bodies charged with delivering the United Nations goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 . Recently , the Saudi Communications , Space , and Technology Commission , CST has published the Data Centre Services Regulations for all Saudi Arabian data centre service providers in an effort to enhance customer safety , promote investments in data centre services , and enhance service quality .
Similarly , the UAE Data Office oversees enforcing compliance with the Federal Data Protection Law for data centres within the Emirates to safeguard personal data .
Building a robust digital strategy may seem daunting , but in today ’ s landscape it is an absolute necessity for data centres to evolve in line with all the trends touched upon in this article . With increased demand for computing driving the need for speed and optimisation of operations , it is key to ensure that the data-rich environment is managed efficiently .
Kissflow ’ s platform means our solution is ever ready for rapid changes as they arise .
Despite the enthusiasm for sustainability , the market ’ s readiness to adopt green technologies varies . It falls upon technology vendors together with their partners to educate clients and prove the long-term value and efficiency gains from investing in green solutions . •