Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 75 | Page 27


Sophos announced a strategic partnership with Tenable , the Exposure Management company , to provide Sophos Managed Risk , a worldwide vulnerability and attack surface management service . The new service features a dedicated Sophos team that leverages Tenable ’ s exposure management technology and collaborates with the security operations experts from Sophos Managed Detection and Response , MDR to provide attack surface visibility , continuous risk monitoring , vulnerability prioritisation , investigation , and proactive notification designed to prevent cyberattacks .

The modern attack surface has expanded beyond traditional on-premises IT boundaries , with organisations operating frequently unknown numbers of external and internet-facing assets that are unpatched or under protected , leaving them vulnerable to cyberattacks . This is evident in the newest Sophos Active Adversary Report , which identifies three tasks that organisations must prioritise to minimise the risk of brazen intrusions that lead to ransomware or other types of attacks .
“ Sophos and Tenable are two industry security leaders coming together to address urgent , pervasive security challenges that organisations continuously struggle to control . It is critical that organisations manage these exposure risks , because unattended , they only lead to more costly and time-consuming issues and are often the root causes of significant breaches ,”
said Rob Harrison , Senior Vice President for Endpoint and Security Operations Product Management at Sophos .
From Sophos ’ worldwide survey data , 32 % of ransomware attacks start with an unpatched vulnerability and that these attacks are the most expensive to remediate . The ideal security layers to prevent these issues include an active approach to improving security postures by minimising the chances of a breach with Sophos Managed Risk , Sophos Endpoint , and 24x7 Sophos MDR coverage .
“ While the latest zero day may dominate the headlines , the biggest threat to organisations , by a large margin , is still known vulnerabilities or vulnerabilities for which patches are readily available ,” said Greg Goetz , Vice President of Global Strategic Partners and MSSP , Tenable .
A winning approach includes risk-based prioritisation with context-driven analytics
Rob Harrison , Senior Vice President for Endpoint and Security Operations Product Management , Sophos to proactively address exposures before they become a problem . Sophos Managed Risk , powered by the Tenable One Exposure Management Platform , delivers outsourced preventive risk management , enabling organisations to anticipate attacks and reduce cyber risk .
“ You cannot fix what you cannot see . Sophos Managed Risk is shining a light on areas of exposure that require remediation in order to keep customers protected . Combining Sophos ’ elite MDR experts with Tenable ’ s industry-exposure management technology gives us a full picture view of vulnerabilities with the guidance we need to minimise risk ,” said Brooks Roy , President at Communications Consulting . Benefits of Sophos Managed Risk include :
External attack surface management
Advanced identification and classification of internet-facing assets , such as web and email servers , web applications , and publicfacing API endpoints .
Monitoring of high-risk
Proactive notification when a new critical vulnerability is identified in an organisation ’ s internet-facing assets .
Vulnerability prioritisation
Swift detection of high-risk and zeroday vulnerabilities , followed by real-time notification to ensure critical internet-facing assets are promptly identified , investigated and responded to by order of importance . •