Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 75 | Page 17

The adoption curve of the Industrial Metaverse is delinked from the adoption curve of the consumer Metaverse . The reason for this is its ability to simulate complex industrial enterprises has a higher value for decision makers than the quality of immersivity and humanmachine interface platforms .
Implementation and benefits
While implementing the Industrial Metaverse , enterprises should make the most of these steps , namely :
• Develop a clear digitalisation strategy , with a definite current and final position .
• Find the opportunities offered after implementation and use a road map to generate returns and cost savings .
• Plan to implement pilot projects thereby building up the learning and change management process .
• Build and align the external ecosystem of suppliers and partners .
Industrial metaverse offers multiple advantages over Industry 4.0 solutions . These are :
• Simulation of industrial complex systems is possible and various what-if virtual scenarios can be presented . This is especially useful for sustainability targets .
• The data inside the Industrial Metaverse is longer from the past or present but can also generate the future . This can stand for how sustainable the industrial enterprise will be in the future .
• Visualisation of industrial complex systems is possible using AI and virtual reality and limitation of the human mind can be overcome .
• Using visualisation and what-if scenarios , interconnection between various stakeholders of the industrial enterprise becomes more visible and can be managed optimally . This interdependence can help assess how sustainability targets can be met .
If Industry 4.0 transitions to become Industrial Metaverse , then the ongoing challenges around implementation of Industry 4.0 will also need to be overcome before Industrial Metaverse become mainstream .
The Industrial Metaverse moves beyond digital simulation of physical assets , into groups of connected assets , processes and functions .
According to Arther D Little ’ s recent research report , titled The Industrial
Metaverse , the following challenges are being experienced in implementation of Industry 4.0 solutions :
• High investments needed for data integration and management .
• Limitations from existing legacy IT systems .
• Reluctance to embrace business transformation .
• Difficulties in generating returns in short timescales .
• Lack of common standards .
• Weak systems integration .
• Lack of interdepartmental cooperation .
• Weak change management and employee involvement .
While achieving a large scale , endto-end , industrial digital twin may be a few years away , due to development gaps in computing and scale-up AI , early steps are possible in the short term and Industrial Metaverse use cases have already been developed . Notwithstanding these innovations needed , the Industrial Metaverse offers enterprises a medium-term solution on how to meet sustainable targets . •
The adoption curve of the Industrial Metaverse is delinked from the adoption curve of the consumer Metaverse .