Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 75 | Page 16



The Industrial Metaverse attempts to convert the industrial enterprise into a living enterprise with strong visualisation capability to prove to decision makers what it will look like in the future , explains Walid Gomaa at Omnix International .

Industrial organisations face two significant challenges . The first is to meet sustainability targets while achieving growth targets . And most developed countries have set goals to become net zero between 2040 – 2060 , including the UAE . The other challenge is how to manage the growing complexity of end-to-end industrial systems while managing Scope 1,2,3 emissions levels .

To move forward , industrial enterprises must be able to share data across the entire enterprise , supply chain and third parties . They must also be able to predict the impact of any changes made to any part of the enterprise including manufacturing , distribution , sales , recycling on its sustainability profile .
Technology platforms that can integrate large amounts of end-to-end data , monitor , analyse , and simulate the impact of changes on the sustainability profile of an industrial enterprise do not exist today and are still under development . There are also institutional , organisational , and cultural barriers to achieving the necessary levels of data sharing and collaboration .
While the latest tools and platforms of Industry 4.0 technologies , including digital twins are providing benefits , without further evolution they cannot meet tomorrow ’ s needs . Fundamentally Industry 4.0 and digital twin solutions help to describe physical systems and not the whole system . Any C-level decision making using these tools is static and siloed .
The Industrial Metaverse is an evolution of the discrete digital twin technologies that are the foundation of Industry 4.0 . Industrial Metaverse stands for an end-to-end , real-world industrial system , including external elements outside the company and the environment within which it works .
It is a connected whole-system digital twin with functionalities to interact with the industrial enterprise , in the environment in which it exists , allowing decision makers to understand the past and forecast the future .
The Industrial Metaverse moves beyond digital simulation of physical assets , typically captured by Industry 4.0 , into groups of connected assets , processes and functions , upstream and downstream activities , and involves the entire industrial enterprise .
The Industrial Metaverse thus provides a transformative tool to elevate the use of digital simulation technology to the level of strategic decision-making . This is especially valuable for developing effective sustainable growth strategies .
The Industrial Metaverse is an evolution of the discrete digital twin technologies that are the foundation of Industry 4.0 .
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