Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 69 | Page 66

Understanding what customers need , sharing their digital aspirations , and common goals will put any partner in a preference position .
Platinum Partner in Qatar , will further improve the performance and reduce the total cost of ownership for digital solutions on the cloud .
Being on the cloud , the channel will end up spending less time on maintenance and upgrades and can instead focus on newer deployments that transform customer businesses thereby achieving strategic success for the channel partner .
How can a channel partner in your industry disrupt the regional market and gain a leading competitive position ?
Liferay covers the entire Middle East and Africa as a single region , which is quite vast and has many opportunities in different industries that are present for all our partners , with new to come . Understanding what customers need , sharing their digital aspirations , and common goals will put any partner in a preference position .
Offering innovative solutions to meet the customer ’ s customer needs and expectations with a superior solution to existing legacy systems or products currently used , will ensure success for partners with customers . Those companies who are capable of driving significant business growth or savings for their customers are expected to lead the market .
Those companies who are capable of driving significant business growth or savings for their customers are expected to lead the market .
The takeaway here is to keep an open mind and not let a narrow definition limit the way one sees a partner ’ s value ; every partner has the potential to further a customer ’ s strategic goals .
Which non-competitive business in the region do you admire for innovative usage of technology ?
Companies that are leading the innovation of unlocking the value in proprietary and third party data attracts Brendan ’ s admiration . Not only do they leverage new technologies such as AI , NLP , and Machine Learning , to derive insights , but also ensure the derived insights are understandable and actionable which is a huge responsibility .
Which aspects of your job role do you find rewarding and which challenging ?
While it may sound cliché but Brendan anchors his success with that of Liferay partners . When he witnesses a partner ’ s success in a new client acquisition , or dynamic project implementation , and most importantly highly satisfied customers who return to seek support for newer aspects of their business , he aligns with success and finds this truly rewarding .
In addition , building relationships is extremely rewarding for Brendan along with strategizing new routes to markets , fleshing out Go To Market plans , and developing the overall relationship . Ironically though , these are also the most challenging and trying aspects of his role .
How do you best like to de-stress and re-charge off work ?
Brendan is a family man and also has an undeniable love for sports and fitness . For him , there is no better way to recharge . He strives to play tennis at least once a week and workouts a couple of times a week . Fitness is akin to a healthy mind but nothing recharges and resets him like spending time with family and spending quality time with his daughters . •
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