Partners should look to work with client stakeholders to map out how full-stack observability will be integrated from a cultural and process perspective .
The rapid shift to hybrid cloud environments to support transformation initiatives in response to the pandemic has left technologists struggling to get unified visibility across their IT infrastructure and unable to prioritise actions and investment based on what really matters most to end users . The result is IT Ops teams constantly firefighting , having to rely on multiple , siloed monitoring tools to manage an increasingly sprawling and complex IT estate .
This explains why , in our latest Agents of Transformation study – Agents of Transformation : The Rise of Full-Stack
Observability – 99 % of UAE technologists reported that having the ability to monitor all technical areas across their IT stack and directly link technical performance to business outcomes is now important . But as with any relatively new technology , it can be challenging for technologists to find the proof points they need to demonstrate how a full-stack observability platform has been successfully deployed and driven value in a similar organisation . And it can be difficult to cover all the bases when it comes to financial and operational forecasting .
This is where IT leaders will increasingly be leaning on their channel partners for support during 2022 , looking to tap into their knowledge and experience to build a compelling case for investment .
With that in mind , here are five tips for channel partners to help their clients build a robust business case for fullstack observability :
Demonstrate how observability is critical to Digital Transformation
Currently , most organisations don ’ t have the tools , processes , and cultures to align Digital Transformation and technology performance to business and commercial outcomes .
So , this is where any business case for full-stack observability should start . Only with genuine visibility up and down the IT stack , across both legacy and cloud environments , can businesses start to connect innovation and technology performance with business outcomes . By linking IT performance data with real-time business metrics , clients will be able to validate the impact of every IT action by analysing business KPIs .
Channel partners need to help clients articulate this to business leaders , showing how full-stack observability with business context can address the current measurement gap and help to embed a sustainable ‘ innovation-as-usual ’ culture across their operations .
Present a holistic strategy
As partners know all too well , effective Digital Transformation isn ’ t simply about bringing in innovative new technologies – it requires new skills , processes , and thinking . Implementing full-stack observability within an IT Ops team is no different .
Partners should look to work with client stakeholders to map out how full-stack observability will be integrated from a cultural and process perspective . And they should also help clients to identify and address skills gaps , particularly within cloud monitoring and open telemetry , which require very specific skills .
Importantly , partners should work with IT leaders to develop a plan for cultural change within the IT department to ensure that teams understand and embrace the unified data that full-stack observability will deliver . Partners can play an important role in developing an internal communications plan which spells out the advantages that a single source of truth for all performance data delivers , both to the organisation , and to technologists in their daily work .
Show how full-stack observability supports cloud initiatives
Across all sectors , partners are accelerating the move into hybrid IT environments , while focusing on recurring revenue , OPEX and SaaS . But as part of this , they now need to ensure clients have the right level of visibility in place to manage and optimise performance and to always deliver faultless digital experiences .
Most full-stack observability solutions will provide a good level of visibility across the full IT estate , but the majority still struggle in cloud environments , when it comes to managing microservices and monitoring kubernetes . This represents a real threat to performance and digital experience .
Therefore , partners need to ensure clients select a solution that offers genuine full-stack observability – across hybrid cloud and legacy environments – and can support the organisation ’ s wider strategic move towards the cloud .