Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 36 | Page 62

My sense of achievement stems from affecting positive change through my role and helping my company grow . cyberthreat landscape and the risks it poses through its constant evolution , as well as implement flexible go-to-market strategies that adapt to the changing environment .
What is your management philosophy ?
A good manager provides clear expectations and directions , tries to give his / her employees some space to run their day-today activities but at the same time is ready and available to lean in , coach and provide help where and when needed . I try my best to make that my management style .
When you look back at your career what has been the most memorable achievement ?
My sense of achievement stems from affecting positive change through my role and helping my company grow . I have been privileged to do this in my many roles . One example is when I built a channel programme from scratch and in new territories . I think my proudest and most memorable moment is not only achieving channel success during times of economic prosperity but maintaining that success during times of distress and downturn .
What made you think of a career in technology ?
I arrived from Lebanon in 2006 . At the time , Dubai was solidifying its position as a pioneer in innovation and a regional technology hub . I started out in Channel Services working at Sun Microsystems ( later Oracle ) and my career seemed to have taken that direction as I moved to other regional channel roles in other IT organisations .
I found a sense of accomplishment in driving successful channel and distribution strategies and building solid channel ecosystems across the emerging markets and Gulf regions as the regions were starting to develop , and as more and more organisations started adopting the channelcentric approach .
What do you think will be the hot technology talking point of 2021 ?
The technology trends developed will take into consideration the people , the location , as well as resiliency and availability . Some of these top technology trends that we are starting to hear and read about are concepts like Internet of Behaviours ( IoB ) – which monitors behavioural elements and data that can impact the experience to influence those behaviours . It includes facial recognition , location tracking and Big Data .
Another hot technology talking point will be Total Experience , when you bring together employee experience , customer experience , multi-experience and user experience . This will be a competitive differentiator as interactions become more mobile , virtual and dispersed , particularly as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic .
What are your personal interests and where do you like to spend most of your time after work ?
In a pre-COVID-19 world , I would travel and discover new countries and cultures . I was lucky enough to spend a year in Japan before joining Mimecast . I also enjoy sketching and designing my own jewellery as well as painting on canvas . Whenever I can , I try to brush up on my Spanish speaking skills . •
Another hot technology talking point will be Total Experience , when you bring together employee experience , customer experience , multi-experience and user experience .