Gpartners , offering 400 solutions , across 30 industries , and integrates Tencent ’ s Cloud Mini Programme Platform , Tencent Cloud Startup Programme , Tencent Cloud AI , Tencent Real-Time Communication , live-streaming and media solutions . Tencent Cloud offers the broadest portfolio of Internet-based products among Chinese technology companies .
In the past three years , Tencent Cloud has achieved double-digit growth in the overseas market , and is establishing a presence across Asia , Europe , Americas , and Middle East . Global and regional enterprises are opting for Tencent Cloud for its usercentric approach , which balances hype with practical solutions . reetings to the global readers of Intelligent In other sections of this month ’ s Tech Channels . edition we look at channel and technology What do China and India ’ s IT industry predictions across 2025 . Says Sippora have in common ? It is a vast domestic
Veen at Sage , the channel landscape is market of tech savvy consumers and a vast being reshaped by pivotal trends . Industry pool of tech developers . In this month ’ s cover consolidation continues at a rapid pace . feature , we present how Tencent Cloud is Consolidation is altering competitive growing its global and regional operations dynamics , and channel companies should on the basis of its business and consumer consider strategic mergers or collaborations cloud applications that it has built from the to strengthen their market position and usage of its Weixin and WeChat ecosystem broaden capabilities . of 1.3 billion users .
Partners are seeking greater flexibility Tencent Cloud has a dynamic global in their vendor relationships . While joining partner programme including 11,000 large global vendor ecosystems was once
appealing , many partners now prefer to be a significant player in a smaller network .
Customer expectations around AI are driving increased demand for practical applications that businesses often struggle to implement due to a growing skills gap . Channel companies should invest in developing AI expertise and services to meet this demand .
Turn these pages to read more about the opportunities and challenges for channel partners in global and regional markets .
As the world of cyber security threats become more challenging , automated , and complex , what are the new skills requirement for channel partners to cope with these advanced threats and protect their enterprise customers , is this month ’ s Editor ’ s Question . Executives from WSO2 , Positive Technologies , Check Point Software , share their points of view .
Wishing you the best of transformative business partnerships in the month ahead .
Arun Shankar Managing Editor arun @ lynchpinmedia . com