Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 79 | Page 51


Optimism around AI directly correlates with architectural readiness finds IFS global survey

R esearch from IFS , the technology provider of enterprise cloud and industrial AI software , has revealed the Global AI Optimism League Table . The global study Industrial AI : the new frontier for productivity , innovation and competition , involved 1,700 senior decision makers from Manufacturing , Telecommunications , Aerospace and Defence , Services , Construction and Engineering , and Energy and Resources companies .

It found that optimism about Artificial Intelligence , AI is a direct indicator of AI strategy maturity within their business . The study found firms between $ 200 –$ 500m the most optimistic about AI , while the UK and USA were the least optimistic countries . As UAE ranks 6th , the research implies that UAE is almost ahead than anticipated .
Polarisation in AI readiness has led to 25 % of this group believing AI benefits will materialise within 12 months , while the laggards do not expect to see benefits for at least three years . Large enterprises showed the widest gaps in time to benefits of any of the company size groups surveyed .
Christian Pedersen , Chief Product Officer , IFS , commented : “ At the surface level , the lack of optimism across some respondents may suggest we are at the edge of a trough of disillusionment , particularly following the all-encompassing hype that AI enjoyed for much of the last 18 months .”
“ What we are actually witnessing is enterprises differentiating themselves with AI . Organisations that have established a strong data foundation , invested in skills , and embedded sustainability into their strategy are optimistic because they can see the benefits coming into view quickly . It is vital that leaders see AI as a strategy , not a tool .”
Delving into what fuels optimism around AI , the research suggests that companies ’ architectural readiness directly correlates with their overall optimism about the technology . Respondents who report being more architecturally ready are more likely to be optimistic about AI . This indicates that companies with a strong cloud-based foundation are further along in their AI journeys and are most likely to believe that the tangible benefits of AI will become a reality sooner .
Pedersen continued , “ Our research provides direct evidence that the market is dividing into those who have embraced AI and those who have not .” Projected rewards of AI , potentially unlocking $ 4.4 trillion in annual corporate profits , are pressuring businesses to adapt . However , without a clear strategy , AI initiatives risk stalling .
“ The lofty expectations for AI bely a fundamental misunderstanding of how it is supposed to drive value . The real power lies in Industrial AI , where data flows through every part of your business , combining structured , interlinked datasets to uncover insights , optimise every process and marry the digital with the physical world . That is where the true value lies ,” says Pedersen .
Research reveals that businesses with revenues of over $ 500 Million ranked only third in terms of optimism due to a clear polarisation in strategy , data readiness , and skills . •
Christian Pedersen , Chief Product Officer , IFS