Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 77 | Page 49


Neutral Internet Exchanges now account for 70 % of the largest IXs in the US

Ivo Ivanov , CEO DE-CIX

D ata centre neutrality is now a top priority for network operators , with neutral Internet Exchanges , IXs now accounting for 70 % of the largest IXs in the US . This is one of the central findings from a new study by DE-CIX , the world ’ s Internet Exchange , IX operator , on the back of the 10th anniversary of its flagship IX in the US , DE-CIX New York .

The study reveals a steady transformation over the past decade in the way networks choose to interconnect in the US . Neutral IX models , operated by a neutral third party rather than by a data centre operator or a carrier , have now become the preference for a majority of network operators . These neutral IXs have boomed in the past ten years , growing six-fold and fundamentally changing the way the Internet is routed within and across North American cities .
Nationally , the findings show that New York stands out as the leading interconnection hub in the country , sporting close to 40 % more aggregated network connections than Seattle , in second place , or Los Angeles , in third . While all cities investigated in the study show strong growth in networks connecting redundantly to multiple IXs , New York has up to 50 % more redundantly connected networks than other cities . New York is also the only city in the US to be home to four large-scale IXs , two of which are neutral IXs distributed across multiple data centres .
With 40 % more aggregated network connections , New York ’ s strong interconnection ecosystem can be seen in contrast to that of Seattle , which sports one large neutral IX but no significant complementary offering in the market , and Los Angeles , where the data centre operated model currently remains dominant .
The largest IX in New York , DE-CIX New York , is neutral and distributed across more than 30 data centres over the entire metropolitan region , therefore offering networks greater opportunities for redundancy and resilience and preventing vendor lock-in .
DE-CIX New York is the youngest IX to become one of the top 5 largest IXs in the US . The IX is built on award-winning interconnection technology and was the first IX to be certified by Open-IX , a certification body for industry-engineering and operating standards and best practices for Internet Exchange providers , also celebrating its 10th anniversary this year .
“ Our latest study shows clearly the strength of the distributed data centre and carrier neutral Internet Exchange model and its huge positive impact on the New York market and beyond – for the entire US ,” said Ivo Ivanov , CEO of DE-CIX .
The distributed and neutral IX model offers networks flexibility , redundancy , and high-performance interconnection , while it offers data centre operators access to vibrant and diverse interconnection ecosystems , with benefits that they can pass on to their customers .
DE-CIX currently operates five Internet and Cloud Exchanges in the US , Chicago , Dallas , New York , Phoenix , and Richmond , and a dedicated Cloud Exchange in Seattle . These exchanges are interconnected with one another for remote access , and together represent the largest interconnection ecosystem in North America . In 2023 the IX operator extended its reach southwards with new locations in Mexico City and Queretaro . •