Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 77 | Page 39

APIs to gain unauthorised access , manipulate data , or disrupt services .
Operation and monitoring Without continuous monitoring , threats may go undetected , allowing attackers to exploit vulnerabilities for extended periods .
Maintenance and updates Failure to implement API security patches , and undertake regular security audits can leave APIs vulnerable to known exploits and attacks .
Open Web Application Security Project
Businesses are always looking at emerging technologies with a view to improving operational efficiencies . As the number of AIenabled tools – and APIs , within enterprises proliferates , the security of LLMs is in the spotlight like never before . At the same time , cyber attackers are evaluating new ways to compromise LLMs , and gain access to an organisation ’ s crown jewels – data , which can be used to enact new attacks .
As a result , development teams should pay close attention to the Open Web Application Security Project , most critical risks for application security and LLMs . Continuously updated with the most pertinent web application security threats , the list below details how the latest vulnerabilities apply to the development of LLMs .
Development teams should pay close attention to the Open Web Application Security Project , most critical risks for application security and LLMs .