Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 77 | Page 30



Salesforce ’ s latest generative and predictive AI is now available to channel managers , third-party resellers , brokers , and all types of indirect sellers . Generative AI adds new capabilities to scale channel management and accelerate partner selling .

Additionally , AI surfaced directly in CRM helps channel managers and their partners stay focused and coordinated on the highest priority opportunities . This announcement extends Einstein for Sales directly into the workflows of channel managers and their partners .
Einstein Copilot saves time and helps channel managers focus on scale by automating administrative tasks and proactively sharing insights on the most promising leads and opportunities . And , with Slack AI and PRM for Slack , internal and external partners can collaborate and share data and insights quickly .
75 % of the world ’ s commerce comes through third-party channels or indirect sales . 90 % of sales professionals say intelligent insights cut closing times significantly .
With new AI , CRM , and Slack capabilities in PRM , channel managers can scale communications for partners with rich CRM context and generative AI using Einstein Sales Emails in PRM ; summarise accounts and partner performance with Einstein Copilot , giving channel managers complete visibility across partner deals ; find and distil collective knowledge on deals quickly with Slack AI .
Einstein Copilot is generally available today , and Einstein Sales Emails for Partner Relationship Management will be available from 2024 .
Native generative AI in Slack provides instant conversation summaries and enhanced search capabilities that make it easier for users to stay up-to-speed on deal conversations and data coming into Slack from the PRM for Slack app ; creates a joint strategy for pipeline growth supported with AI insights using Pipeline Inspection in PRM .
Channel managers and partners no longer have to rely on spreadsheets to track prospecting efforts and pipeline . Pipeline Inspection in PRM gives everyone a unified , real-time view of their pipeline ; it helps focus partners on the best deals with Lead and Opportunity Scoring in PRM at the individual lead and opportunity level as well as in Pipeline Inspection .
Einstein Copilot is generally available today , and Einstein Sales Emails for Partner Relationship Management will be available from 2024 . AI capabilities for Partner Relationship Management , including scoring and pipeline inspection , are generally available . Slack AI and PRM for Slack are currently generally available .
“ New generative AI , data , and automation capabilities in a Slack-first PRM will offer channel sales teams practical tools to enhance partner and internal processes . This will help Salesforce partners and sellers increase collaboration , improve seller productivity on both sides , deepen relationships , and enable growth ,” said Ryan Nunez , VP , Industry Solutions .
“ Thanks to Partner Relationship Management , our team can help our partners get up and running faster , and they can automate a lot of what they used to do previously . We are also excited to see how the AI insights , such as lead scoring , will give our partners clear guidance on what to focus on much faster ,” said Hooman Shahidi , Chief Executive Officer , and Co- Founder , EVPassport . •
Ryan Nunez , VP Industry Solutions , Salesforce East
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