Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 76 | Page 63

Corporate awareness
Traditional security training often falls short , with a staggering 56 % of business leaders acknowledging a cybersecurity knowledge gap within their teams . This necessitates a shift from generic training to focused , industry-specific programmes .
These programmes should equip employees with the knowledge to identify the latest cyber threats , from phishing frauds to malware attacks . Regular updates and ongoing training sessions are crucial to keep employees informed about evolving tactics and defensive measures .
Enhancing digital resilience enables the entire organisation to actively confront security threats . Businesses should develop detailed plans for responding to security incidents , encourage a culture where security consciousness is a shared responsibility , and encourage employees to protect sensitive information .
Additionally , best practices such as enforcing strong password policies , securing Wi-Fi connections , and understanding phishing frauds should be integral parts of training that address common vulnerabilities related to age and tech-savviness .
Promoting an open environment for reporting suspicious activity , without assigning blame , empowers employees to be the first line of defence . This fosters an environment of trust and strengthens the overall security infrastructure .
Supplier integrity
Securing data in a remote work environment extends beyond your company walls . Outdated data protection policies and lax oversight of external partners can leave your organisation vulnerable . With ever-evolving regulations , it is crucial to stay up-to-date and ensure your remote work policies strictly adhere to these legal requirements .
This demonstrates your commitment to data security and helps you avoid costly legal complications .
Social engineering attacks , where cybercriminals manipulate people rather than technology , are a prime example .
But securing your own systems is only half the battle as research indicates that only 23 % of security and risk leaders actively monitor their third-party vendors ’ cybersecurity protocols . This creates a hidden risk , a security lapse in a partner ’ s system can easily expose your entire network .
To fortify your remote ecosystem , implement a rigorous due diligence process during partner selection . Go beyond basic checks , inquire about their security protocols , penetration testing procedures , and data breach history . By thoroughly vetting your partners , you create a robust and secure remote work environment .
Best practices
With 87 % of businesses globally identifying cyber-attacks as their principal threat , surpassing concerns like economic downturns and skill shortages , the stakes have never been higher . In the context of remote work , it is critical to adopt advanced security technologies such as end-to-end encryption , two-factor authentication , and secure file-sharing platforms .
These tools are vital in a cybersecurity industry projected to reach $ 136 billion by 2028 and serve as the first line of defence against cyber threats .
Organisations must enforce stringent access control measures by adhering to the least privilege principle which limits employee access to only the information necessary for their specific job functions . This method , coupled with consistent audits to modify or withdraw permissions , significantly reduces the risk of data breaches .
But even the best defences can be breached . That is why having a robust incident response plan is crucial . Alarmingly , 36 % of companies lack such a plan .
Developing and evaluating a detailed response protocol for containing , eradicating , and recovering from a cyberattack is crucial for minimising damage and ensuring business continuity . •