Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 76 | Page 46

Challenging day to day assumptions of human trust

Deep Fake technology exacerbates challenges associated with trust and integrity of information at a time when misinformation is already rampant , with the banking sector especially concerned about Deep Fake attacks and fraudulent misuse . Talal Shaikh from Heriot-Watt University Dubai explains further .
Talal Shaikh , Associate Professor , Mathematical and Computer Sciences , Heriot-Watt University Dubai

In an era dominated by technological advancements , where innovations are taking place every day , Deep Fake technology has emerged as an exciting yet controversial development . With the help of Artificial Intelligence , AI algorithms , Deep Fakes have the potential to produce highly realistic videos and audio recordings that manipulate reality like never before .

This innovation holds promise for entertainment , marketing , and artistic purposes , enhancing digital experiences and fostering creativity . However , its ethical implications call for deep reflection and proactive steps for all involved stakeholders .
In numbers
The proliferation of Deep Fake content is a cause for alarm . Recent statistics from the World Economic Forum reveal a staggering 900 % surge in Deep Fake online content between 2019 and 2020 . Projections paint a bleak future , with researchers estimating that by 2026 , almost 90 % of online content could be synthetically generated .
In 2022 alone , Deeptrace Labs found that Deep Fake video content had doubled within a year , reaching a total of 15,000 videos . It is important to note that Deep Fake technology is not limited to video manipulation . It has also seen an increase in voice skins , or audio Deep Fakes , with notable instances of manipulated audio recordings surfacing in various contexts .
Furthermore , as early as 2022 , 66 % of cybersecurity professionals reportedly had seen Deep Fakes leveraged in a cyberattack , with video , 58 % being the preferred medium over audio , 42 %, primarily targeting employees through email and mobile messaging .
Privacy concerns
One of the most pressing ethical concerns associated with Deep Fakes revolves around privacy and consent issues . Deep Fakes can violate privacy rights by fabricating videos or sound clips depicting people in compromising situations without their knowledge or consent . This is not a hypothetical scenario .
In recent years , we have seen numerous instances where Deep Fakes have been used to spread misinformation , defame individuals , and even extort money . In this era of digital media , this raises questions about what constitutes boundaries of consent and , at the same time , underscores the need for critical
legal issues that should protect people from these forms of exploitation .
Moreover , serious risks are posed to individuals ’ privacy rights and personal dignity because anyone with basic technical skills can access Deep Fake technology . Without adequate safeguards against misuse , unsuspecting people may be victimised by malicious individuals who want to manipulate or defame them by distributing falsified content .
Use cases
Apart from critics raising privacy concerns about this new technology , the dangers of Deep Fakes being employed for malicious purposes are very high . Deep Fake content used in political manipulation , propaganda , financial fraud and revenge porn has farreaching effects on society .
The advent of Deep Fake technology further exacerbates existing challenges associated with trust , truth and the integrity of information at a time when misinformation is already rampant . Regular survey research shows that the banking sector is mainly concerned by Deep Fake attacks , with 92 % of cyber practitioners worried about its fraudulent misuse .
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