Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 75 | Page 35

FUTURE TECHNOLOGY enterprise simulation because they know there is a price hike coming and they want to simulate the impact of that to help inform the strategy they need to adopt .
Conversely , a CFO might want to conduct enterprise simulation from a functional perspective because of a geo-political crisis or rising costs in order to ascertain at what level the company is financially robust and how to navigate changes .
The enhanced insight a business obtains from enterprise simulation can then play into its approach to service scheduling , and ultimately servitisation more generally . If , for instance , a supply chain is impacted by geopolitical events , a utility might take longer to schedule a servicing visit and get a boiler fixed . The logical next step is to using the insights from the enterprise simulation to review product scheduling and optimisation .
Running alongside , AI can be used for anomaly detection . Machine learning algorithms can analyse vast datasets to gain deep insights into customer preferences and behaviour . This invaluable knowledge allows organisations to tailor their services with precision , creating unparalleled customer experiences .
Building on this , AI-powered anomaly detection capabilities can predict and prevent equipment failures before they occur . We have seen examples of this across multiple industry sectors . In oil and gas , organisations use anomaly detection to discover patterns in their existing data and rapidly build models that anticipate seal failures weeks earlier than their internal operations teams .
In chemicals , the technology can identify off-spec events in advance , thereby reducing reprocessing and inventory costs and , in mining , the technology can monitor movement of low-grade ore and adjust grinding speed to prevent blockage .
AI-driven anomaly detection can help customers reduce downtime , improve asset
The significance of interoperability and integration is widely recognised , with 46 % of respondents emphasizing the need for end-to-end business connectivity .
utilisation , and lower maintenance costs . The same technology can be used to analyse customer data and identify patterns and trends . This information can then be used to personalise customer interactions , by