Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 74 | Page 13

Tenable One extends visibility beyond IT , to include OT and IoT

Tenable , announced release of Tenable

One for OT and IoT . It is the first and only exposure management platform that provides holistic visibility into assets across IT and operational technology OT environments .
The convergence of physical assets and IT – such as HVAC systems in data centres , badge readers in office buildings , cameras on manufacturing floors , and many more – has resulted in a broader cyber-attack surface . As IT , OT and IoT assets become increasingly interconnected , cyber-attacks are often originating in IT systems and then spreading into OT environments , with potentially devastating results . CISOs find themselves responsible and accountable for securing OT and IoT environments .
Tenable One for OT , IoT extends visibility beyond IT , to include OT and IoT , and helps security providers gain a clear picture of true exposure across their entire attack surface . This first-of-its-kind approach allows organisations to prioritise security risks wherever they reside – be it in the cloud , data centre , or the OT environment – and most importantly , to understand how these risks create attack paths across their infrastructure .
Users can also view their global exposure , including OT assets , to see insights from their OT assets to make better decisions , faster .
The Tenable One platform now combines the broadest vulnerability coverage spanning IT assets , cloud resources , containers , web
On a daily basis we witness threat actors finding creative ways to disrupt businesses through nontraditional paths . Risk does not end at IT . For those that rely on physical computing technology , OT and IoT often power their most business-critical activities .
apps , identity systems , OT and IoT assets . It builds on the deep threat intel , regulatory compliance and vulnerability expertise and data from Tenable Research , and adds data analytics to prioritise actions and reduce cyber risk , enabling :
• Comprehensive visibility beyond the IT environment to the modern attack surface
• Risk intelligence to mitigate operational risks
• Actionable planning and decision making Amir Hirsh , SVP and General Manager OT Security , Tenable across enterprise and critical infrastructure environments in a US Congressional hearing in which
“ On a daily basis we witness threat actors top providers from the Cyber and finding creative ways to disrupt businesses Infrastructure Security Agency , the FBI , through non-traditional paths . Risk does the Office of the National Cyber Director not end at IT . For those that rely on physical and the National Security Agency testified computing technology , OT and IoT often that US electricity systems , water utilities , power their most business-critical activities . military organisations and other critical Any disruption is extremely damaging and services are actively being targeted by often results in an inability to function ,” Chinese hacking campaigns . explained Amir Hirsh , SVP and General
Subsequently , an international advisory
Manager of OT Security , Tenable . confirmed that Volt Typhoon – a People ’ s
“ We understand that OT environments Republic of China-sponsored threat actor – require a different approach from IT and has pre-positioned itself on US IT networks we have designed our security solution so to enable lateral movement to OT assets and teams no longer have to choose between to disrupt functions . cybersecurity or productivity . They can
The Tenable One for OT , IoT license have both .” includes not only Tenable One , but a
The threat to OT systems from nationstate actors was recently driven home and Tenable Security Centre .
companion license of Tenable OT Security