ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOGY suite of technologies ensures a multifaceted defence strategy , making MetaDefender an asset in the protection of critical systems and national infrastructure .
With a focus on control systems and critical national infrastructure protection , OPSWAT ’ s specific OT offerings include :
• MetaDefender IT-OT Access : Simplifying network access and endpoint compliance , it ensures secure remote access for OT endpoints .
• MetaDefender Kiosk : Serving as a digital security guard , our kiosk scans removable media to prevent threats to critical networks .
• MetaDefender Managed File Transfer : Facilitating secure , automated file transfers with enhanced encryption and quarantine features .
• MetaDefender Media Firewall : A plugand-play solution securing host systems from cyber threats originating from portable media .
• MetaDefender Industrial Firewall and IPS : A transparent OSI Layer-2 bridge protecting industrial endpoints in real-time .
• MetaDefender OT Security : Providing continuous visibility into OT assets and networks , monitoring for threats , vulnerabilities , and ensuring compliance .
Given the myriad of attack vectors faced by digitally connected organisations with extensive workforces , the OPSWAT MetaDefender platform provides comprehensive defence controls .