Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 68 | Page 10

Mandiant to demonstrate Mandiant Advantage Platform at Google Cloud stand

Mandiant , part of Google Cloud , will be participating at GITEX to guide businesses and individuals on their cloud transformation journeys . Leveraging stateof-the-art AI technologies and insights gained from frontline incident response

Jamil Abu Aqel , Head of Mandiant Systems Engineering , MEA and Emerging Region , Google Cloud engagements , Mandiant aims to advance cybersecurity postures for organisations , whether they operate on-premises or are transitioning to the cloud .
At GITEX , Mandiant will focus on the pressing cybersecurity issues of today , including supply chain vulnerabilities , ransomware and geopolitical threats . The company will showcase its Mandiant Advantage Platform , an integrated solution covering Threat Intelligence , Attack Surface Management , Security Validation and Breach Analytics .
Visitors to GITEX can experience the Mandiant Advantage platform firsthand . The company has been involved in mitigating some of the world ’ s most high-profile cyberattacks . Mandiant aims to address key challenges such as the shortage of skilled resources , the increasing sophistication of threat actors and the complexity of managing security controls . Live demos of the Mandiant security portfolio are available at the Google Cloud stand , Hall 7 , Stand G30 . Mandiant ’ s participation in GITEX aligns with Google Cloud ’ s ongoing investment in the Middle East and Africa , following the launch of Google Cloud instances in Qatar and upcoming launches in Saudi Arabia and South Africa .
Mandiant emphasizes the need for a layered defence strategy . The first layer focuses on identifying and protecting assets , while the second layer is geared towards detecting , responding to and containing breaches . Given the evolving threats , organisations should prepare accordingly .
Another important aspect to address is the growing number of cyberthreats . As companies navigate through the lasting impact of what Mandiant terms a ‘ Zero-Day Summer ,’ the cybersecurity landscape is becoming increasingly complex . This year has already seen 62 zero-day vulnerabilities , up from 55 last year .
Minnapad to showcase Decentralised Autonomous Organisations powered by blockchain technology

Minnapad is excited to announce its participation in GITEX . As an emerging market for Japanese pop culture overseas , the MENA region holds potential for Minnapad and its innovative blockchain technology solutions . This year , Minnapad is proud to exhibit alongside the JETRO , further solidifying its position as a pioneer in the integration of Japanese IP creation and blockchain technology .

During the exhibition , Minnapad will showcase two Decentralised Autonomous Organisations powered by blockchain technology , which have revolutionised the way fans and creators collaborate . By leveraging the DAO model , Minnapad presents a unique opportunity for fans
and creators to co-create , ensuring full ownership and profitability . This revolutionary approach sets Minnapad apart as an industry leader in empowering Japanese IP creators and their fanbase . In addition to the groundbreaking DAOs , Minnapad will also unveil its latest intellectual properties . These IPs exemplify the company ’ s commitment to taking Japanese IP creation to new heights by harnessing the potential of blockchain technology . By utilising blockchain , Minnapad
Vesper Qin , Co-founder Minnapad is transforming the landscape for Japanese IP creators , offering them increased control , revenue generation and a direct connection to their dedicated fanbase .
Minnapad recognises the MENA region ’ s dedication to blockchain and cryptocurrency technology , making this the ideal platform to showcase its innovative solutions . With a strong foundation in the region , Minnapad aims to attract more fans and investors who share its vision of revolutionising the entertainment industry through the power of blockchain .
“ We are proud to be part of GITEX , representing Japan ’ s advancement in Web3 technology . The MENA region has shown incredible enthusiasm for embracing blockchain and cryptocurrency , making it an ideal market for Minnapad ,” said Vesper Qin , Co-founder , Minnapad .
“ We look forward to showcasing our latest developments and engaging with industry leaders , fans , and creators alike , to create a transformative future for Japanese IP creation .”
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