University of Tokyo selects Juniper ’ s Access Points to support high-speed wireless network for 48,000 end points
J uniper Networks , announced that University of Tokyo , UTokyo , has selected Juniper ’ s AP32 Access Points to provide a seamlessly unified wireless experience across its campuses enabling flexible management . These networking upgrades will enable the multiple departments in UTokyo to deliver a highspeed wireless network infrastructure to its 48,000 students and faculty actively engaged in learning and research across 10 faculties and 15 graduate schools .
In alignment with the Japanese government ’ s 10-trillion-yen fund to develop research universities that meet the highest global standards , the university announced UTokyo Compass , a set of guiding principles designed to foster world-class innovation and excellence in education and research , by embracing dialogue , diverse perspectives , and experiences in 2022 .
The UTokyo Compass initiative has prompted the university to enhance its Information and Communications Technology , ICT strategy . This entails a comprehensive reassessment of the network infrastructure and the transformation of its operations to facilitate active communication throughout all campus locations .
Embarking on this transformative journey , UTokyo established a cross-organisational UTokyo Wi-Fi Task Force focused on enhancing the wireless network infrastructure , reinforcing its pivotal role in improving students ’ and faculty ’ s educational and research experiences . The team placed significant emphasis on building a reliable , secure , and high-performing wireless network capable of accommodating large numbers of users , with multiple devices per person on each campus .
A major focus was implementing a network solution that offered the team from different departments consolidated management across all departments while giving them appropriate management authority . This objective would be achieved through a single dashboard , enabling a unified view of the entire network , as well as the ability to observe and visualise faults and user experience . Juniper ’ s solutions powered by Mist AI , with a successful track record in local and global implementations , proved to be the ideal choice , meeting all the required criteria for this transformative initiative .
The deployment of Juniper AP32 Wireless Access Points across its three main campuses in Hong , Komaba and Kashiwa , has successfully streamlined network management and operations for the different departments and provided them with a unified view of the entire network on a single dashboard powered by Mist AI . The team also utilises the capabilities of the Juniper Mist rich API-centric architecture , which visualises the necessary data for each site to improve operational efficiency .
Since implementing a Juniper powered wireless network , the experience for the school ’ s team and its students has significantly improved . Additionally , the network can seamlessly support simultaneous connection of approximately 18,000 devices during peak usage period . The expansion is being carried out progressively , aiming to cover all campuses .
As UTokyo looks towards the future , it is actively exploring the potential integration of Mist AI throughout its entire network , aiming to establish it as a fundamental component of its IT infrastructure . •
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