Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 63 | Page 43


Avaya helping organisations to retain on-premises systems with hybrid cloud

A vaya transforms on-premises solutions for organisations and their contact centres so they can experience technology innovation without disruption to their existing operations . Embracing a hybrid cloud model with Avaya contact centre and cloud-based solutions enables organisations to chart their hybrid cloud course to the modern contact centre while experiencing its advantages including flexibility , allowing organisations to take advantages of the known cloud benefits .

As the contact centre industry continues to evolve , many platform vendors are transitioning to cloud offerings . However , some organisations have legitimate concerns about the pace and consequences of making a wholesale cloud migration .
According to a recent , Avaya-sponsored Ventana Research white paper – Migration to the Hybrid Cloud , Innovation for the Modern Contact Centre – authored by Keith Dawson , VP and Research Director , 39 % of organisations prefer on-premises analytics and data deployment .
When faced with technology advances and the pressure to adopt an all-or-nothing complete solution to stay current , organisations can encounter challenges of fully migrating to the cloud such as a disruptive and often costly rip-and-replace , long deployment cycles , and resource dedication . However , organisations can innovate without disruption .
The innovation journey to optimise the contact centre , and simplify customer experience , does not necessarily need to be a full cloud transition . While this might be the right move for some organisations , others prefer to keep their current on-premises contact centre . Companies need to move at a pace and path that fits their business needs .
Avaya Experience Platform is a cloud solution that helps create memorable experiences for today ’ s customers – and the employees who serve them – from any location . Organisations can easily connect everything – voice , video , chat , messaging , and more – to deliver effortless experiences for customers and employees at every touchpoint across cloud while retaining their on-premises solutions . These tools make every interaction a positive experience for customers and employees alike by :
• Infuse AI throughout customer and employee journeys to deliver intelligent experiences and deepen connections .
• Empower employees to provide quality interactions across voice and digital channels , all in a single desktop view .
• Monitor performance analytics to help employees reach peak performance and provide feedback in real time .
• Create customer experience superstars by matching employees ’ unique skills with customer needs .
In those cases , a hybrid deployment model makes a great deal of sense . A hybrid model gives organisations access to innovative features without the disruption of throwing away what works . Existing investments can be enhanced with new cloud capabilities at a measured pace , according to organisational preferences . In essence , a hybrid deployment can be seen as a migration , rather than a transformation . •