Middle East , said in the fast-paced , highstakes world of risk management , keeping informed about recent developments and cutting-edge trends is beyond essential . “ In 2022 cyber criminals and state-linked threat actors continued to exploit organisations ’ hybrid working practices , and the increase in these attacks is showing no signs of slowing as the Russia – Ukraine conflict continues to have a profound impact globally . Organisations need to consolidate and automate their security infrastructure to enable them to better monitor and manage their attack surfaces and prevent all types of threat with less complexity and less demand on staff resources ,” he said .
Ashraf Yehia , Managing Director , Eaton Middle East , said the disruption of the supply chain is a significant challenge
Meg Brennan , Vice President , Global Channels , Riverbed for everyone and , given that the current geopolitical crisis is disrupting supply routes across Europe , they ’ re likely to continue for the foreseeable future .
“ As a result , it ’ s becoming harder for channel partners to forecast with any accuracy . Customer projects typically require multiple components , but if one of those components is missing , the whole project must be put on hold . Therefore , it is important for channel partners to look to their vendors for support in times like this . With the right partner programme , channel partners are provided with proper support ,
We believe it is the responsibility of the vendors to empower their respective industry and channel ecosystem .