Q & A
The tech talent squeeze in the channel means resellers must build deep leadership benches . In an environment where IT talent is in short supply , channel partners should take training and certifications seriously . Now , more than ever , there is a role to play for those with cybersecurity expertise . Underline the importance of the role a skilled resource could play some customers would find it difficult to deal with the current wave of attacks on their own . For solution providers , systems integrators and resellers , having a clear understanding of the cybersecurity
threat landscape , particularly when it comes to new and emerging threats , is of paramount importance .
Cyberthreats remain a global problem and it is in SonicWall ’ s best interests to build a community of partners , educating and empowering them in the face of increasingly targeted and powerful cyberthreats . This should be a shared responsibility between vendors , distributors and resellers . Each entity must mutually work together on strategies that will shore up the future of the business , they need to map out which skill pools will disproportionately affect it and drive it forward . Treating training as a once off is one of the most common mistakes channel partners make . Partners need to understand that training is an ongoing process and regular assessments , and refresher courses is key to the organisation ’ s success . This is paramount to SonicWall ’ s success in the region as we constantly update our product line and introduce new models every quarter .
Apart from that , sharing threat intelligence to defend enterprises more adequately in the escalating cyber war , is crucial to SonicWall ’ s channel development programmes . We deliver web training , realtime cyberthreat intelligence , accreditation and certification capabilities through the award-winning SonicWall University and will cover topics such as cloud security , advanced persistent threats ( APT ), secure
Partners need to understand that training is an ongoing process and regular assessments , and refresher courses is key to the organisation ’ s success .
remote access , secure access service edge ( SASE ) and the principles of zero-trust security at no cost to authorised partners participating in the SonicWall Secure First Partner Programme . SonicWall University has overseen the completion of 390,000 hours of training administration of 778,000 successful exams . SonicWall ’ s continued commitment to not only provide security but also threat intelligence and training is a commitment we look to provide to all of our trusted partners .
For channel partners , having a clear understanding of the cybersecurity threat landscape , particularly when it comes to new and emerging threats , is important if they are to thrive and succeed in the current business climate . •