Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 35 | Page 50


Q & A


Despite all the technology innovation taking place , business is fundamentally a people-driven endeavour . Whether it is employees , partners or customers , an effective Digital Transformation strategy must never neglect the human element . It is , therefore , the digital customer experience that combines the best technology practices with a focus on the individuals themselves that will be the critical building blocks for companies as they are forced to adapt and do business differently .

In the pre-lockdown days , much of the personal touch centred on face-to-face


interactions . Salespeople meeting leads for lunch or over coffee . Account managers keeping regular phone tabs with their key clients , and the like . But with distributed working now a reality , organisations must rethink how they approach these ‘ old school ’ engagements using digital means . Helping in this regard is the immense volume of data available that can augment the decision-making process with sophisticated digital tools . Today , every transaction and engagement create invaluable data points that can be used to garner insights into buying behaviour , bespoke customer requirements and trends that could shape organisational strategy .
Yet , digital-first does not mean to the exclusion of everything else . It merely helps guide the organisation to prioritise
Now , more than ever , the personal touch helps bring with it a much-needed simplicity in the service offering . the opportunities created by digital technologies to deliver quality experiences and positive business outcomes for vendors , partners and employees . It uses the innovation available to the company , bolts on much improved data analysis and results in solutions that are better geared for the rapidly-changing environment that will await organisations in 2021 .
Now , more than ever , the personal touch helps bring with it a much-needed simplicity in the service offering . Yes , it is influenced by data-driven insights , but it is about gaining a better understanding of specific customer needs . This is happening at a time where any bit of competitive advantage can significantly foster organisational growth .
As the name suggests , Digital Transformation will bring a renewed focus on a more enhanced way of managing processes . And if the organisation keeps end-users at the forefront of their thoughts , it will introduce a much-needed peoplecentred component to an otherwise technology-driven environment . Companies , regardless of size or industry sector , can benefit from this as they transform into more agile enterprises . Given how customer expectations have shifted to a digital channel , this repositioning becomes imperative to retain relevance in a rapidly evolving marketplace .