Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 33 | Page 23

• Needing crisis management and incident response plans to be executable via a remote workforce
Can you tell us more about how you support your partners with training and enable them to obtain technical certifications ?
A10 offers sales and technical training to all partners , helping them to get up to speed on new technology , enabling them to complete technical certifications .
As already outlined , this is a key area of focus for us . For example , we now have Sales Associate Training and Technical Training paths for our partners and we also have Technical Associate for Enterprise and Technical Associate for Service Providers training .
How do you work differently with partners across the region ?
We are much more focused on certain key vertical sectors and as such we are looking to work with partners who have specialist vertical market capabilities . We are looking to identify the right partners , addressing the right gap in the right vertical market .
Internet using the same Wi-Fi network that also connects to their homes ’ smart devices leaves people particularly vulnerable . There will be an increased need for security vendor support to make the home environment safe for workers .
Unfortunately , there is not a one size fits all approach and this is where strong partner relationships are critical . Some large organisations will place the onus on scalability , flexibility and an efficient multi-cloud transformation . Whereas some organisations will need advice on how they can make a smoother and more secure transition to a remote workforce . This can include helping them devise a security strategy that looks at :
• Planning for BYOD devices to be connected to the organisation
• Knowing that secure and sensitive data may be accessed via unsecure Wi-Fi
A10 has always been a channelfirst organisation but we really want to work with our partners to add value and enable them .
Looking ahead , what would you say A10 ’ s key priorities will be ?
Digital Transformation is the key driver of technology today across the globe and across all industry verticals and this will only continue to evolve and develop . Likewise , organisations will be looking to realign security and IT operations to encompass a complex multi-cloud world , as well as IoT proliferation , the evolution of networks to cloud-native and preparing for 5G .
Our key priorities focus on enabling service providers and enterprises to deliver business-critical applications that are secure , available and efficient for multi-cloud transformation and 5G readiness .
Outside of that we will continue to enable , educate and build quality channel relationships . •