Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 07 | Page 34

INTELLIGENT CLOUD help organisations focus their efforts by understanding their customers’ business strategies and proactively positioning business-led propositions that technically enable the desired outcomes. centred discussions. By encouraging their customers to take a business performance first approach, channel partners can propose distinctive, value-add, application-enabling propositions that put them ahead of their technology focused competitors. 2. Integrating digital technologies to transform how businesses work: Research from MIT Sloan Management and Deloitte University Press found that less-mature digital companies tend to take a tactical, piecemeal approach as they solve discrete business problems with individual digital technologies. As a result, they don’t fully integrate digital technologies with their business operations, don’t solve the underlying infrastructure problems that cause frequent application performance issues across the enterprise and fail to deliver the required technical capabilities at scale. Successful trusted channel partners will be those who are able to challenge their customers’ thinking and engage key business leaders with alternative, business-led integrated propositions. For example, they can help organisations understand that for networking infrastructures to work optimally, application, compute and storage must work together as a system. Thus, a strategic architecture must extend across the enterprise and unite all the components into a seamless, software-defined system delivering high-performing applications, data and services. Here SD-WAN forms an integral part of the overall solution that serves to address instances of poor application performance in branch networks. But this can only happen successfully if set within an integrated digital network architecture framework. 4. Closing the app performance gap: According to a Riverbed survey (www. performance-survey.html), 98 per cent of executives believe that enterprise application performance is critical to achieving optimal business performance. However, 89 per cent say poor app performance negatively impacts their productivity on a regular basis, resulting in contract delays, missed deadlines and lost revenue. Channel partners can help organisations close this performance gap by helping them build more capable and scalable networks. SD-WAN can be critical when it comes to expanding WAN capabilities without compromising agility, performance or visibility. SD-WAN can offer IT a much more holistic approach that makes orchestrating enterprise and cloud connectivity easier and more cost- effective. Rather than having to manage thousands of manually configured routers, management can be centralised through the use of a single, easy-to-use, intuitive command centre. At its core, SD-WAN enables them to make on-the- fly adjustments to network performance and application delivery, to meet the businesses ever-changing needs. All in all, SD-WAN makes networks more flexible and agile than ever which, in turn, allows channel partners to help customers meet business needs efficiently and effectively. 3. Understanding that networks are just the path towards applications: Organisations rely on their network because they need ready access to business applications that enable their businesses to excel. While this states the obvious, this fact can be easily lost in technology 5. Achieving application visibility, performance, agility and security: In today’s complex hybrid IT environments where data, applications, people and networks are everywhere, the infrastructure challenges that impact application performance are ubiquitous. Only a holistic approach 34 that brings visibility, performance, agility and security to every aspect and stage of application delivery can provide an enterprise-grade solution for the age of hybrid IT. Just as digital transformation is an enterprise business strategy, channel partners need to help their customers develop an architectural strategy that makes the underpinning technology work the way they expect. However, although the role of channel partners may be evolving, the one thing that won’t change is the typical customer’s lack of IT resources and expert personnel. As a result, now more than ever, channel partners have the opportunity to position themselves as invaluable business advisers about how customers can leverage IT to drive their businesses better and disrupt their competitors. Enabling high-performing applications is a top priority for many enterprise customers and SD-WAN is the key to addressing their concerns. Successful channel partners will use this insight to differentiate their conversations, elevate their customer engagements and reinforce their trusted partner status by putting forward creative, value-added propositions thataddress future enterprise application requirements and existing performance issues.  As a result, now more than ever, channel partners have the opportunity to position themselves as invaluable business advisers. ssue 07 NTELLIGENT TECH CHANNELS