Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 05 | Page 38

INTELLIGENT ENTERPRISE SECURITY Passwords still weakest link in security environment Single sign-on and multi-factor authentication are ways to get around weak user passwords according to Kamel Heus at Centrify. H ackers got hold of over one billion identities last year, as data breach incidents just kept on escalating. If ever a statistic highlighted the failure of current approaches to protect corporate systems, it is this one. In fact, two-thirds of organisations have experienced an average of five breaches over the past two years, according to Forrester. The tens of billions of pounds CIOs invest in security every year just are not getting to the heart of the problem: passwords. Nearly two-thirds 63% of data breaches involve weak, default or stolen passwords, according to Verizon. To stand any chance of success, organisations desperately need to 38 rethink their approach to security. And this must start with a new focus on increasing the maturity of their Identity and Access Management programmes. Why are passwords the Achilles heel of modern IT systems? Because they can be easily compromised via phishing attacks and, or info-stealing malware, allowing attackers to walk right through the virtual front door to the organisation. Privileged account credentials, such as those belonging to IT administrators, are particularly highly prized as they can offer unfettered access to stores of highly sensitive IP and customer data. In fact, Forrester estimates that 80% of breaches involve these log-ins. Think IT staff manage their passwords more securely than regular users? Think again. Frequently they are guilty of the same bad habits: simple, easy to guess or crack credentials, extensive password reuse and even log-ins written down on post-it notes. And even if your staff are strictly vetted and managed, can you say the same for your contractors – often targeted by hackers as one of the weakest links in cybersecurity? By maintaining this outdated approach to identity and access management, we are making the hackers’ job way too easy. Today’s CIOs and CISOs are also responsible for increasingly complex and siloed IT environments – multiplying the volume of passwords and identities that Issue 05 INTELLIGENT TECH CHANNELS